U.S. Coast Guard License

Your Guide to Renewing Your U.S. Coast Guard License

If you are the owner of a boat with a U.S. Coast Guard license, then you know that your license must be renewed regularly. Regrettably, renewing your license may be fraught with ambiguity and difficulty. But there’s no need to worry since we’re here to assist you! In this article, we will walk you through…

USCG boat bill of sale

What Goes into a USCG Boat Bill of Sale

Are you looking for a USCG boat bill of sale document? Have you started to put your own together, only to find that you aren’t 100% sure what goes into one? At our vessel documentation service, we get many questions from potential customers. One of them is: “where can I find an official bill of…


A Better Way to Deal with the NVDC

Boat owners in every state in the United States must interact with the National Vessel Documentation Center annually (NVDC). This government agency is responsible for processing and keeping track of the paperwork and registration of vessels. The procedure has the potential to be difficult and time-consuming, yet none of those things are necessary. On the…

abstract of title

Why Is The Vessel Abstract Of Title Important?

Records submitted to the Coast Guard for a specific vessel are kept in a vessel abstract of title. However, claiming that it is the definitive history of titles isn’t entirely correct either. If a boat has previously been registered in a different nation or state, the abstract may not include all of the important dates…

Vessel Renewal

Avoid Fines by Doing a Vessel Renewal at Our Website

So, you’ve decided that it’s finally time to start taking care of your vessel renewal. That’s great! However, with so many forms and documents involved in the process, you might be wondering: where do I start? What conditions do I need to fill out? How much will this cost me? And more importantly, how much…

US vessel registration

US Vessel Registration Requirements

There is nothing like sailing for pleasure on your weekends with your favorite boat. It’s important to be a responsible boat owner and process your US vessel registration to comply with the authorities. Proper paperwork makes everything safer and easier for everyone. We all have to put our part here. To operate any kind of…