coast guard registration process

Going Through the Coast Guard Registration Process

If you have recently purchased a large boat, either for recreational purposes or commercial purposes, there are steps you need to take before you can legally put the boat in the water and traverse the seas. You need to make sure your boat is registered properly, either with the state that you live in or…

file coast guard form 1258

How to File Coast Guard Form 1258?

If you are considering purchasing a yacht or other large vessel, either for commercial or recreational purposes, it is important that you start to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations set forth by the U.S. Coast Guard. You want to make sure you are in complete compliance with all the laws so that you…

vessel documentation search

The Confusion of the USCG Application Process

You finally did it! – you went out bought yourself the beautiful new boat you have always wanted. The boat looks spectacular, has all the features you wanted, and you cannot wait to get the chance to get the boat out in the water so you can travel. The only thing holding you back now…

USCG NVDC Tips to Prevent a Tow

There’re some common mistakes or reasons boaters make that make them require a tow. Either by omission or ignorance, these basic errors happen almost every day. Keep in mind these USCG NVDC tips to prevent a tow. They may save you some good money and some painful headaches. Problem with gas One of the most…