cost of purchasing a boat

How Much Will It Cost You To Own A Boat?

  The cost will depend on the kind of boat you want. An inflatable one is around $35. It includes tax and paddles. A tandem kayak can go around $900. With this boat, you can travel some river or go fishing. If you wish to obtain jet skis, however, you need to have a budget…

boat emergency kit

Never Forget Your Boat Emergency Kit

  Any boat emergency kit can keep you safe and sound while you’re sailing on rough water or seas. Most shipwrecked cases are a result of the crew not carrying an emergency boat kit.  If you go sailing, either for three hours or several days, you must ensure that you have a plan, in case…

Coast Guard boat documentation for your vessel

Why Consider Coast Guard Boat Documentation for Your Vessel

After doing all of the necessary research—shopping around online, looking in magazine classifieds, and even going to boat shows—you’ve finally found the recreational vessel that’s just right for you. You’ve gone ahead and found a dealer and have decided to make a significant, life-changing investment. Like any other major purchase, there’s a lot of paperwork…