When it comes to performing a USCG documentation search, there’s no need to go elsewhere. To get a boat history report, go to our website at US Vessel Documentation Center and input your vessel’s official number or name.
We will then supply you with a report with all of the information you need. This will let you make an educated choice about your vessel.
The information is helpful when purchasing a boat or when you need to know for sure whether or not the United States Coast Guard has recorded your boat.
You may run a vessel search by entering the official USCG number found on the boat’s paperwork and registering your search on the USCG’s website according to federalregister.gov.
This will provide you with the name of the boat’s owner and the source of the money that was utilized to support the boat’s first financing.

USCG Documentation Search
Can You Search A Boat By Its Name?
When you successfully locate the necessary vessel via a name search, you will most likely acquire information on that vessel. If the vessel is presently registered with the United States Coast Guard, you will be able to determine whether or not that paperwork has expired.
Do you own a boat and are considering selling it or insuring it? We can also assist you with those endeavors.
Currently, we have listings from all across the United States. We would love to add yours to our collection of single hulls, customized boats, fishing boats, and many other types of vessels.
Before purchasing or chartering a boat, do an online USCG vessel documentation search that you are interested in. See for yourself what information you can find on the vessel.
Searching is free, but discovering information about your preferred vessel will cost you money. To ensure that the information you get online meets your requirements, we at US Vessel.
Documentation proposes that you use our services. We give all forms of information on commercial and non-commercial vessels, both local and international, in English and Spanish.
How Do I Find A Coast Guard Documented Vessel?
If you’re searching for an estimate of how long it will take to complete an application via the National Vessel Documentation Center, you may look at the NVDC Case Processing Dates page.
These dates and timings are subject to change at any moment. Still, the following is the most up-to-date information available today: Finding a documented vessel, sometimes referred to as a coast guard documented vessel, is one of the most perplexing problems in the world of records and paperwork.
This organization’s National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is in charge of examining maritime vessels and releasing information on boats that comply with the restrictions set out by this organization’s regulations.
There is more to your vessel than just a boat. Your livelihood depends on it, and it is via this medium that ORMEC has provided dependable and reasonably priced maritime transportation services since 1968.
A Coast Guard documented vessel differs from many other kinds of boats in that certain conditions must be met before the vessel can be delivered to you.
Do Boat Names Go On Both Sides?
If you have just acquired a boat that has been previously utilized but that you want to use for leisure purposes, the vessel name and hailing port must be visible on the outside of the boat’s hull.
On the stern of a leisure vessel, the vessel name and hailing port will be shown, while the vessel name will be displayed on both sides of the bow. This is a must on commercial boats. If you are still unclear, don’t hesitate to contact us for more explanation.
When people look at your boat or yacht, they will see your name on the hull. After all, it has to be bold, attractive, and secure – so that you may have even more fun with your vessel the next day.
Because of this, you are selecting a proper name and hailing port for your private leisure yacht is more crucial than ever.
How Do I Find My USCG Documentation Number?
Your boat’s USCG documentation number is an essential part of its history. It is possible to locate the nine-digit documentation number issued by the US Coast Guard in various ways on various kinds of documented boats.
When it comes to tracking the status of a ship and contacting its owner about safety or other issues, the US Coast Guard recommends that all vessels registered with them have a unique identification code.
The Coast Guard can use this code to locate the ship in an emergency and contact its owner. A boat’s identification number may be found in various locations, depending on the paperwork it carries.
The official number beginning with “NO” may be located in a prominent area inside the hull of properly documented boats (see sample photos below).
It may or may not be easy to write down or locate this place, particularly if you’re not aboard your boat. Unless you know where to search, the USCG Marine document number for your ship might be tough to find.