Documented Vessel

Understanding What a Documented Vessel Is

USCG boat owners are responsible for educating themselves on the meaning of the term “documented vessel” and how it may affect them. “One that has been issued a marine document by the Coast Guard which evidences the boat’s nationality and compliance with relevant rules and regulations,” the United States Coast Guard (USCG) defines a documented…

coast guard license renewal

How to Go Through the Coast Guard License Renewal

When you first receive your Merchant Marine Credentials (MMC) so that you can captain a commercial vessel, it is a momentous step for you and can open up some great career opportunities. Once you have your credentials, it is important that you do everything necessary to maintain them and renew them when you need to…

US documented vessel

How Do I Find The Owner Of A US Documented Vessel?

A common approach when researching for a US documented vessel NVDC Database search before purchasing it is to check the USCG website for the vessel’s name and any further information you may be interested in learning about it. If you need to find out who owns a boat and who is listed on the title, you…