When you own and operate a boat, you must adhere to USCG Boat Lettering Requirements, which detail how and where you need to display your boat number and name. Keep in mind that you can identify your boat as state-registered or federally registered, but not both. That means that if your boat is registered at the federal level, state numbering must be removed. However, you will still need to display the state-issued validation sticker. So, the first step is determining how your boat is registered. Then you can use the following requirements as you display your boat’s name.
State Requirements
Character requirements:
- Characters are read from left to right
- Characters must be at least 3 inches high
- Character color MUST contrast with the color of the boat (the background cannot be a pattern)
- There must be the width of at least one letter or number between characters (not the letter “I” or the number “1”) – this can be a blank space or a hyphen
Placement requirements:
- Characters must be permanently affixed to the front portion of the boat (this includes your validation sticker)
- Characters cannot be adhered to windows (glass or plastic) and need to be bolted or screwed into the hull or superstructure
- You cannot attach bolted signboards to railings
- If you operate an inflatable boat, you are responsible for contacting the manufa.cturer for permanent letters and numbers
- Validation stickers can be placed on metal or plastic plates, as well as grab straps with non-reversible ties made from wire, but have to be within 6 inches of the registration number so they can be seen by authorities
Federal Requirements
Character requirements:
- Can be made with any means or materials that create a durable marking
- Must use Latin or Arabic letters and Roman numerals
- May not exceed 33 characters
- May not contain explicit, profane or offensive language
- May not consist of words or phrases used to request assistance at sea
- Characters must be at least 4 inches high
- Can be placed on the transom on either side of the boat
- The official number must be preceded by “NO” and be clearly visible
- The hailing port must include the place and a state or territory of the United States
- There are no restrictions on font or color

Placement requirements:
- Name and hailing port must be visible on the exterior of the hull
- Commercial vessels must display the name and hailing port on the stern and both sides of the bow, recreation vessels can follow this guideline as an option
- Name and hailing port must be clearly visible
- Stenciling is not considered a permanent mark
- Federal documentation is not open to enforcement by the state
Do you have more questions about USCG boat lettering requirements? Do you need more information about a boat and its name? Are you considering changing the name of your boat? We are here to help with all of those matters. Contact the US Vessel Documentation Center today and we will help you get started and guide you through the paperwork, from start to finish.