USCG Documented Vessel Database

How Often Should You Check Your USCG Vessel Documentation Status?

It’s a good idea to keep up with your USCG vessel documentation status for several reasons. The most important reason is to ensure that you are compliant with the regulations and legal requirements that go along with owning a boat. By using the vessel documentation query, you can easily check the documentation status of your boat. But when and how often should you do this? Keep reading to find out. 

What is a Vessel Documentation Query?

When you register your boat, it’s documented to provide information about ownership, what the boat is used for and other vital data. Registering with the appropriate entity, which is often the United States Coast Guard, is required for a few reasons. You can read more about them below. 

  • Proper documentation ensures compliance with USCG regulations and allows activities that include international travel. 
  • Your documents prove ownership and title, which makes the process of selling the boat much simpler, if you ever decide to do so. 
  • Up to date documentation is vital if you experience an emergency on the water because it allows the authorities to locate your vessel. 
  • If you plan to get a loan to finance your boat, accurate documentation will be required to move ahead with the process. 

When to Check Your USCG Vessel Documentation Status

There are a few considerations to keep in mind when you check your documentation status. Below are some guidelines that you can use to help you decide if it’s time to check. 

  • Annually – if you don’t check the status of your boat any other time, do so at least once per year. This allows you to monitor for changes or expiration dates that need your attention. 
  • Before a transaction – when you buy, sell or refinance a boat, it’s a good idea to check its status so that you are aware of any liens or other barriers to completing the transaction. 
  • After a change in ownership – anytime a boat changes hands, you should check its status right away. This confirms a successful transfer of ownership and updates the data on the boat’s documentation. 
  • When changing the boat’s name – doing a status check lets you see if the name you are considering is available and helps you move through the steps to complete a name change. 
  • Peace of mind – a routine status check can give you peace of mind and allows you to take care of any problems right away, which prevents other complications in the future. 
  • If you get a documentation notice – if you get a notice from the USCG or other authority, you should check your status immediately so that you can take care of any issues in a prompt manner. 

USCG Documented Vessel Database

Checking your USCG vessel documentation status on a regular basis is a good step as a responsible boat owner. If you need help with the process or have questions about when and why you should do a check, we’re here to help. Contact the US Vessel Documentation Center today and we can give you the answer you are looking for.