USCG documentation

How to Acquire USCG Documentation and How to Hang Onto It

USCG documentation is not difficult to get; nevertheless, maintaining it might be challenging. This article outlines the measures that need to be taken to ensure that your documentation is in order and provides instructions on how to prevent it from becoming obsolete. As the owner of a yacht, you are well aware of the significance…

Vessel Registration Online Ct

Can You Renew Vessel Registration Online CT?

Yes, you can renew your vessel registration online CT. You will need to have the following information on hand to do this task: the number of the vessel’s decal, the hull identification number (HIN), and the state of issuance for vessel registration. You will find all of this information on the certificate you received when…

Regulations on Pollution and Marine Sanitation Devices

It’s forbidden by Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 to throw, discharge or deposit any refuse material of any kind, including trash, garbage, oil and other pollutants, into the waters on the USA. Regulations issued under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act require all vessels with propulsion machinery to have a capacity to retain oily mixtures…