MARAD Waiver

How to Apply for a MARAD Waiver

If you have a foreign vessel and want to use it in the United States, either for recreational or commercial use, you will need to apply for a MARAD waiver. That’s because the United States has protections that control access to business between domestic ports. Ships that were built outside of the country must have…

USCG Documentation Can Be Helpful to You

USCG Documentation Can Be Helpful to You

You’re getting ready to buy a recreational boat and are very excited about all the possibilities you have in front of you for fun and adventurous travel. You’ve been seeking the advice of other boat owners, talking to friends, and even checking out social media groups and online forums to get as much advice and…

Renew USCG Vessel Documentation

Are You Ready To Renew USCG Vessel Documentation in 2024?

When you own and operate a boat, it’s necessary to renew USCG vessel documentation, according to the schedule for your vessel and its purpose. This paperwork is a legal requirement and pertains to maritime activities, international travel, and keeping your boating life legal, whether it’s recreational or commercial. As we get closer to 2024, you…

abstract of title

What Is A Vessel Abstract Of Title?

All documentation filed to the Coast Guard for a specific vessel is recorded in an abstract of title. However, it isn’t exactly accurate to say that it is the authoritative history of titles. If a boat has been registered in another country or state before, the abstract may not contain all relevant dates and events. …

USCG portal

A USCG Portal That Always Puts Vessel Owners First

When we started our U. S. Vessel Documentation Online site, we wanted to build a USCG portal that was for vessel owners. Our customers aren’t the authorities, but rather, the people who own the vessels. So, our site’s design reflects that. We’ve done everything with the expressed goal in mind of making the documentation process…

Preferred Ship Mortgage

How to Apply For a Preferred Ship Mortgage

Is it possible for you to finance your vessel more cost-effectively? You may wish to apply for a preferred ship mortgage if this is the case. It is possible to profit from cheap interest rates and flexible repayment choices if you get this form of a mortgage. There are specific requirements to be met to…

US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

Easy Steps For US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

Are you the owner of a USCG vessel? If this is the case, you will need to check with the United States Coast Guard to ensure that your boat has the appropriate documentation on file. US Coast Guard vessel documentation is essential for two reasons: first, it guarantees that your boat is registered with the…