CG 1258

Are you the owner of a ship registered in the United States? In such a case, you must have a working knowledge of the CG 1258 form. As part of their responsibilities to conform with maritime law, owners of vessels registered in the United States are required by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) to…

CG 1258

CG 1258 is the form that helps you get your United States Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation. Not in the case of renewal (that is CG-1280), but it does apply for your initial, exchange, reinstatement, replacement, or redocumentation. What are we talking about? Find out next! Initial Certificate of Documentation As we were saying, the…

CG 1258

CG 1340, CG-4073, CG 1258… we humans can be complicated when it comes to naming things, and this is particularly accurate in the boating industry. We couldn’t just name the document for what its purpose is, right? Anyhow this form is the one you need when you want to apply to your Initial, Exchange, Replacement,…