USCG Documentation

Did you know that vessel owners in the United States are required to hold various documents? An Operator’s License or a Certificate of Documentation are two examples. As a ship owner, you have likely heard of multiple forms for USCG documentation that must be completed. However, what exactly are they, and what do they signify?…

Abstract of title

If you are just taking your first steps in the boating industry, you will probably not be familiar yet with the different boat denominations, or even with the pertinent boat documentation. When people reach us, we are often asked questions like “Does my vessel have to be documented with the United States Coast Guard (USCG)?”…

Boat Documentation

Although it is not compulsory, there is a slight chance you might want to get your USCG Boat Documentation. If your vessel measures over 5 tons (the minimum required to register your ship) there are some benefits you can take advantage of, by only submitting a form to the United States Coast Guard. Read on…

USCG Registry

When you register your boat with the United States Coast Guard, having your social security number on hand is an important step in the process, as it’s used to establish your American citizenship. When you go through vessel documentation with the USCG registry, it can be done by an individual, corporation, or partnership, as well…