USCG renewal

Some time ago, you applied for your certificate of documentation. Maybe it was your initial if it was the first time. Perhaps it was your United States Coast Guard USCG renewal, if you remembered on time. Or, there is a chance as well, that it was your reinstatement of the documentation you had to process…

Maritime Documentation

Proper maritime documentation is a need for everyone who owns a boat or other watercraft. Picking up a vessel means you agree to terms with the government that controls every aspect of your ownership. If you’re the owner of a ship, you need to know the meaning of each shipping paperwork. Your ownership of property…

national vessel documentation center

The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) serves as a vital institution for vessel owners, providing a centralized platform for vessel registration and documentation. In this article, we will explore the role of the NVDC in vessel ownership and how Vessel Documentation Online serves as your gateway to a seamless documentation process. Understanding the National Vessel…

How to Rename A Boat

There’s a lot of lore surrounding the naming of a boat so if you want to change the name of a vessel, you may be wondering how to do so in a way that honors the boat in question and doesn’t bring you the bad luck you may have heard about from other seafaring individuals.…

Transfer Of Vessel Ownership

You must have a solid understanding of the procedure for the transfer of vessel ownership if you are currently the vessel owner. This paper details the procedures that must be carried out to successfully execute a transfer and offers some advice that may be useful along the route. You can secure a seamless transition for…