coast guard license renewal

When you first receive your Merchant Marine Credentials (MMC) so that you can captain a commercial vessel, it is a momentous step for you and can open up some great career opportunities. Once you have your credentials, it is important that you do everything necessary to maintain them and renew them when you need to…

cost of purchasing a boat

  The cost will depend on the kind of boat you want. An inflatable one is around $35. It includes tax and paddles. A tandem kayak can go around $900. With this boat, you can travel some river or go fishing. If you wish to obtain jet skis, however, you need to have a budget…

USCG documentation

Are you wondering if your vessel qualifies for USCG documentation? Does it seem like the rules about which vessels can be documented and which vessels have to be documented seem contradictory at best? Vessel owners have felt that way for many years. While documenting your vessel is important (particularly if you’re in certain fields) it…