USCG documentation

USCG documentation is not difficult to get; nevertheless, maintaining it might be challenging. This article outlines the measures that need to be taken to ensure that your documentation is in order and provides instructions on how to prevent it from becoming obsolete. As the owner of a yacht, you are well aware of the significance…

Coast Guard Documented Vessel Search

Are you trying to learn how to conduct a Coast Guard documented vessel search? Vessel Documentation Online has you covered. On our website, you will be able to find the document you are looking for in a matter of minutes with the help of our query tool, designed specifically to be user-friendly. Additionally, once your…

Hailing port

All boats registered with the federal government must choose a “hailing port.” The vessel owner must specify a hailing port on the boat when applying for a Certificate of Documentation. Once selected, the chosen port may no longer be modified and must be permanently attached to the ship if you require help. A hailing port…